A router can be a “gateway” in TCP/IP connect internet connection. In communication networks, a router is a device that examines the d4estination address of a message or packet and selects the most effective roué for its transmission. It is used in complex, large networks where there are many path ways between users.
Thus job of the router is to know where packets of information are headed, to make sure they are addressed correctly, and to send them on their way by the most efficient route possible.
The router function by choosing.
· Best path
· Fastest path available
· Least costly path
· Currently available Path.
Routers are needed to connect network with protocol that function in similar ways, Whereas when the networks to be connected are using completely different protocols from each other, then a device that interprets and translates the different protocols are used in two distinct networks and this device is called as gate way.
Router operates network layer of OSI model
Routers are relatively expensive
Router cannot route some common protocol
Router focuses on protocol address
Router can accommodate multiple paths
Router can join two different networks
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